Sunday, January 18, 2015

Dear Carter

Dear my sweet, perfect Carter,

In 2 days, you will be turning 6 years old.  I want to start by telling you that at this time all those years ago, we were just as excited and proud to welcome you as we are today to celebrate each birthday.  When you came into this world on January 20th, 2009 at 11:47 a.m. you were surrounded by family, love and optimism.  That is something that will never change as we celebrate YOU each year.  Mommy and daddy have big plans for you, again surrounded by family, love and optimism.

It's still hard to believe that so much has happened in your short, 6 years…countless surgeries, tests, appointments, ER visits, hospitalizations, Make A Wish trip, quality of life discussions, 2 cross country moves and so much more.  But through it all, I have never left your side and I never will.  Many say how strong I am, but the truth is, YOU are the one who is so strong.  You are the one who holds me up and gives me strength when I feel heartbroken and lost.  You grab mommy's hand and give me that big smile with those piercing blue eyes every time and though you can't say the words, I know you are telling me that everything is okay.  How did I get so lucky?  But let's not forget, all the medical mumbo jumbo is NOT all that there is.  You have grown so much, into this big boy!  You have overcome so much…beating the odds and proving those doctors wrong!  You took your first steps, responded impressively to speech devices, taken needle pokes like superman, passed all those genetic tests with perfect scores and you have loved bigger than love itself.  Behind the unspoken words, is a little boy who is so bright, so strong, so stubborn and so much joy.  You have taught us some of the most valuable lessons in life; ones that many people are never blessed to learn.  It isn't the big things in life that matter, it's the little ones that prove how precious each day is.  We celebrate every milestone you make…from the scooting to standing to sleeping through the night; even when those things didn't happen until you were over 4 years old!  What makes those moments so HUGE, is that we understand how hard you have had to work for it!  You are a fighter through and through.  I feel like the luckiest mom in the world to have you as my son!  Yesterday, today and forever!

My only birthday wish for you is that this year is even better than the last!  I love you with all my heart!  Happy Birthday my dear Carter!